Unseasonably Early Spring Blossoms continue to Grow in Number


March 2024 ranked in the Top 10 in terms of warmth and precipitation for only the second time
on record. The only other case was 2010, even as records go back to 1869.

Following the 4th warmest winter on record, the stage was set for early spring blossoms. With the December 1-March 31 period winding up the 3rd warmest on record, there was nothing to deter the proliferation of spring blossoms.

All of the 6 warmest December 1-March 31 periods have occurred since 2000. Five of them have
occurred since 2010: 2011-2012 (1st), 2015-2016 (2nd), 2019-2020 (6th), 2022-2023 (4th), and
2023-2024 (3rd). This outcome is consistent with climate change that is producing ongoing

Four of the spring blossoms found in the New York Botanical Garden on March 30th are below:

3 thoughts on “Unseasonably Early Spring Blossoms continue to Grow in Number

  1. Grace Amelia

    Unseasonably Early Spring Blossoms are usually not that much eye-catching as it does on the season.
    undoubtedly I enjoyed every kind of flower whether it was on or off the season. Being a writer and a nursing student I ensure that Nursing Assignment Writers uk has the stuffiest job and only flowers are able to save from demotivation.

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