Monthly Archives: July 2018

Standard VI Citations


Since the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) implemented its new accreditation standards, a wide range of Standard VI (Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement) issues have been flagged for further reporting in conjunction with the Annual Institutional Update (AIU). In 15% cases, such citations have led to warnings or probation.

Standard VI states:

The institution’s planning processes, resources, and structures are aligned with each other and are sufficient to fulfill its mission and goals, to continuously assess and improve its programs and services, and to respond effectively to opportunities and challenges.

Standard VI covers institutional and unit objectives; planning and improvement processes; financial planning and budgeting; fiscal and human resources; comprehensive facilities planning; and, periodic assessment of the effectiveness of planning, resource allocation, and institutional renewal processes. The most commonly cited issues are:

  • Steps taken to improve the institution’s short- and long-term viability/finances: 39% of citations
  • Alignment/linkage of planning processes, resources, and structures: 35% of citations
  • Institution’s resources are sufficient to fulfill its mission and goals/information confirming financial viability: 23% of citations
  • Use of assessment results linked to planning, budgeting, and resource allocation: 19% of citations
  • Enrollment management planning linked to the budget: 19% of citations