Monthly Archives: November 2017

2017 Periodic Review Report Outcomes: A Snapshot


For 2017, 47 institutions submitted Periodic Review Reports. Twenty one (45%) received a follow-up request (3-year average: 47%). Those institutions were cited on an average of 1.6 MSCHE Standards each (3-year average: 1.9).

The 2017 PRR cycle saw MSCHE issue citations for 5 of its 9 standards. The only standards not cited were Standard I (Mission and Goals) and Standard II (Ethics and Integrity).

Requests for follow-up were broken into three categories based on the PRR Reports:

  1. Requests for additional information in conjunction with each Annual Institutional Update: 76% of follow-up requests
  2. Focused Report (with or without a small team visit to follow): 14% of follow-up requests
  3. Monitoring Report (due to warnings or probation): 10% of follow-up requests

MSCHE Standards Cited (% of Follow-up Requests):