Tag Archives: work ethic

Team Work, Problem-Solving, and Communication Skills Remain In Demand by Employers


A new report published by American Student Assistance (ASA) includes employer survey data. This data highlights what employers are looking for in new graduates. The following are the most in-demand skills (cited by 70% or more of the surveyed employers):

  • Ability to work in a team: 78.0%
  • Problem-solving skills: 77.3%
  • Communication skills (written): 75.0%
  • Strong work ethic: 72.0%
  • Communication skills (verbal): 70.5%

The top three skills are captured in my BBA 407 Strategic Management class’ group research paper. This paper is intended to better position students for success in launching careers. That project had previously been designed based on empirical data, including feedback from employers.

The latest results reaffirm that employers continue to value team work, problem-solving, and communication skills. Such skills offer opportunities for students to differentiate themselves in pursuing and realizing career opportunities.

In contrast to the above attributes, technical skills and computer skills ranked much lower. Those attributes were cited by 56.8% and 49.2% of employers respectively.

Finally, as I believe it is useful to share such information with my students to give them a larger understanding of the course, its activities, and its assignments, I have provided my students with the above information.