Tag Archives: honesty

Standard II Citations


Since the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) implemented its new accreditation standards, a number of Standard II (Ethics and Integrity) issues have been flagged for further reporting in conjunction with the Annual Institutional Update (AIU) or other follow-up.

Standard II states:

Ethics and integrity are central, indispensable, and defining hallmarks of effective higher education institutions. In all activities, whether internal or external, an institution must be faithful to its mission, honor its contracts and commitments, adhere to its policies and represent itself truthfully.

Standard II covers an institution’s commitment to academic freedom, its campus climate, its grievance policy, whether it is honest and truthful in its communications, among other elements. The most commonly cited issues are:

  • Honest and truthfulness in all publications and communications: 20% of citations
  • Internal controls and processes to ensure ongoing consistent ethical behavior: 20% of citations
  • Policies and practices related to respect for intellectual property rights: 20% of citations
  • Campus climate that fosters respect among all constituencies: 20% of citations
  • Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of institutional policies and procedures: 20% of citations