The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) released the accreditation outcomes from its June 2015 meeting. Following the meeting, 57 self-study reports (including two that were reviewed at its March meeting) have been examined. The percentage of self-study reports leading to follow-up requests and the citations for Standard 7 (Institutional Assessment) and Standard 14 (Assessment of Student Learning) were again comparable to the three-year average for those accreditation standards. However, Standard 2 (Planning, Resource Allocation, and Institutional Renewal) was cited in 43% of cases requiring follow-up reports. That figure was more than 20% above the three-year average.
Select data is below:
With the large number of Standard 2 citations a closer look is in order. Such information could be particularly useful for institutions that are embarking on strategic planning initiatives. Twelve institutions received follow-up requests concerning Standard 2. Five major elements were involved: (1) Clearly stated/measurable goals and objectives (58% cases); (2) goals/strategic plan linked to the institutional mission (58% cases); (3) Use of strategic plan/goals for planning and resource allocation (50% cases); (4) goals/objectives reflect assessment results (33% cases); and, (5) constituent participation in developing strategic plan, goals, and/or objectives (25% cases).