Tag Archives: culture of assessment

Upcoming Lehman College Assessment Workshops


During spring 2018, Lehman College’s Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment (OIRPA) will be holding three assessment-related workshops for the College’s Administrative and Educational Support (AES) Units. The workshops aim to deepen the College’s culture of assessment and strengthen its assessment practices.

The workshops are:

What is Good Assessment?

This workshop discusses assessment from the perspective of unit and institutional performance. It provides participants with good practices and introduces participants to logic models.

Aligning Goals and Objectives

An institution’s ability to serve its mission, pursue its vision, and serve its constituents depends on an effective alignment of institutional, divisional, and unit goals. This workshop will discuss the alignment of goals and objectives to allow administrative and educational support units to better contribute to Lehman College’s larger student learning goals.

Supporting the Student Learning Experience

Developing student learning outcomes for administrative and educational support units can be challenging. This workshop covers the development of student learning goals for these units and assessment of those goals using direct and indirect evidence.