Latest Accreditor Dashboard Information Made Available


At its May 22-24, 2018 meeting, the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) published data concerning to the nation’s colleges and universities that currently receive Title IV funding and select data related to each of the nation’s recognized accrediting bodies.

Select data for the institutions receiving Title IV funding are:

  • 5,262 institutions
  • Degree- and certificate-seeking undergraduates: 15.8 million
  • % receiving Pell Grants: 45%
  • % borrowing: 51%
  • Graduation rate (150% of expected time): 48%

Select data for students at institutions accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) are:

  • 481 institutions
  • Degree- and certificate-seeking undergraduates: 2.4 million
  • % receiving Pell Grants: 36%
  • % borrowing (federal loans): 54%
  • % of Institutions with various Graduation Rates (150% of expected time): <20%: 10%; 20%-40%: 27%; 40%-60%: 26%; 60%-80%: 26%; >80%: 10%

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