Record Warm February


Despite a blizzard just after the first week of February that saw New York City pick up 9.4” snow, its largest snowfall on record following a 60° or warmer day, February 2017 wound up becoming the City’s warmest February on record. The monthly average temperature was 41.6°. The previous record was 40.9°, which was set in 2012. On account of the warmth, a wide variety of flowers burst into bloom across the New York City area. In addition turtles and frogs made appearances.

Additional cities also experienced a record warm February. Such cities included:

Albany: 33.3° (old record: 33.1°, 1981)
Baltimore: 44.2° (old record: 44.0°, 1976)
Newark: 41.6° (old record: 40.7°, 1998)
Philadelphia: 44.2° (old record: 42.2°, 1925)
Richmond: 49.0° (old record: 48.5°, 1976)
Washington, DC: 47.7° (old record: 46.9°, 1976)

Some photos from New York City follow:

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