Monthly Archives: October 2016

Middle States Self-Study Institute: A Preview


On October 31-November 1, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) will be holding its Self-Study Institute in Philadelphia. Institutions with Self-Study reports due in 2018-19 will be sending up to two representatives each to this two-day session.

The workshop will be comprised of a combination of plenary sessions and breakout sessions. Each breakout session will feature an activity aimed at providing hands-on training on various tasks that comprise the self-study process.

This year’s plenary sessions will include an overview of the accreditation standards that were adopted in 2014 and a discussion of the experiences from the first cohort of institutions that have been preparing their self-study reports for 2017. Activities during the breakout sessions will include mapping sample institutional priorities to the accreditation standards, some of an institution’s own strategic priorities to those standards, and preparation of part of the documentation roadmap for one of the accreditation standards.