Tag Archives: New York State

Fast-Growth Occupational Areas in New York State


Examining the growth of employment and wages in occupational areas can provide useful insight into labor market trends. Those trends can reinforce or raise questions about the long-term projections provided in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbooks.

In New York State, 14 occupational areas grew faster than the statewide average for the 2014-2017 period. Nine of those areas also saw faster median wage growth than the state average. Three of those occupations had larger than state-median employment and required at least a Bachelor’s Degree: Business and financial operations; Healthcare practitioners & technicians; and, Management. Only one occupational area had more than median employment, experienced faster employment and wage growth than the state average, and did not typically require a Bachelor’s Degree: Construction & extraction.

Large occupational areas with faster employment growth but slower wage growth were typically found in food and support-related areas. Those occupational areas were: Food preparation and serving; Healthcare support; Personal care and service; and, Transportation and material moving.

For purposes of benchmarking, median employment by occupational area in New York State was 330,415 in 2017 and the median annual wage was $43,960.