Tag Archives: accrediting

New Accreditation and Process Changes Approved by MSCHE Members


In its March 2017 newsletter, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education announced that its member institutions had voted to approve the adoption of the new accreditation standards, process, and cycle.

“The Commission thanks the voting institutions for their participation in the approval process, and appreciates the widespread support for the proposal,” the MSCHE newsletter stated.

It provided a summary of the evolution of the changes that culminated in the new standards, process, and cycle.

Finally, the newsletter informed institutions that “a phased-in transition to an eight year accreditation cycle” will commence. The final Periodic Review Reports (a five-year report in the prior ten-year accreditation cycle) will be submitted in June.

Information on the new accreditation process can be found here.

Information on the implementation of the new standards, process, and cycle can be found here.