Every Thanksgiving Day, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) made public the outcomes from its Periodic Review Reports. With the new 8-year accreditation cycle, the Periodic Review Reports are no more. Instead, there is a mid-point peer review in which MSCHE’s peer reviewers examine trends in the data provided in each year’s Annual Institutional Update (AIU) reports.
Nevertheless, even as Periodic Review Report outcomes have become a thing of the past, it is still useful to look back to the Self-Study Report outcomes for insight into MSCHE’s implementation of its accreditation standards.
To date, Standard V (Educational Effectiveness Assessment) and Standard VI (Planning, Resource Allocation, and Institutional Improvement) are the most frequently cited standards. Standard V has been cited in 73% of requests for follow-up. Standard VI has been cited in 51% of requests for follow-up.